Pastoral info service

Regional Pastoral Information Service
in Niger

Click on the picture to download the PowerPoint presentation.



Presentation Zakari Abdourahamane

At the follow-up webinar in French that was held on May 31, l’Afrique et les donnes spatiales Europeénnes, Zakari Abdourahamane gave a presentation on remote sensing for livestock management in Niger.

Click on the picture below to see the presentation.


Workshop 2021

Earth observation for food security in Niger

The AfriCultuReS platform ( was the main topic of discussion during the AfriCultuReS Niger workshop of March 3.




AfriCultuReS Niger services demo


Platform demo

AfriCultuReS Niger platform demo


This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No. 774652