Earth observation for food security in Ghana
The third AfriCultuReS hybrid workshop for Ghana was held in Accra on March 23.

Below you find the assessment of the expert users, who looked at the the AfriCultuReS platform (
They found the portal interactive (possibility to import and add layers), they liked the availability of time series, the quality graphics, the option to download data and particularly that you can access and compare data from other countries.
On the minus side they found that navigation is not always easy, that the platform is not compatible with various internet browsers, that some data cannot be downloaded and that there is a certain dependency on a reliable and good internet connection.
Logically, the advice was to work on these points. In addition the experts advised to provide a user manual, tutorials and instruction videos (already in the planning). Platform users also need GIS and remote sensing training plus training in cloud computing. Other suggestions were to add a feedback option, a user survey and online help.
Topics that were considered particularly useful are the crop yield forecast, crop type mapping (especially when downscaled to the district level), the land cover map, water bodies mapping, flood mapping and monitoring, the drought service and all climate products.
The wishlist further included in situ data for yield estimation, soil type data, crop type and cropped area determination for water productivity, flood early warning and monitoring of water discharged from the Bagre dam (this will be tackled in cooperation with the TWIGA project and a more detailed and affordable pest and disease surveillance to make it relevant for (smallholder) farmers.